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  • Sony Music Group Celebrates Women’s History Month ‘23
  • Mar 31, 2023
Sony Music Group Celebrates Women’s History Month ‘23

Envision a world where gender equality prevails and there is no room for prejudice, stereotypes or discrimination. Diversity, fairness and inclusivity are paramount, and differences should be acknowledged and celebrated. This sentiment helped inspire Women’s History Month at Sony Music Group this year.  

Through various internal events and activities, we embraced equity and recognized our differences as a positive pillar for a more just and inclusive society. 

Embracing Equity This Women’s History Month 

We kicked off the month’s celebrations with an International Women’s Day panel discussion hosted by Sony Women in Music (SWIM)—a Sony Music UK Talent Advisory Group (TAG)—moderated by YolanDa Brown OBE, musician, broadcaster and Chair of the BPI. This panel, featuring women leaders from across the Sony companies, touched on the common challenges women face in the workplace as well as the different ways we can improve gender equality and equity.

To close out the conversation, each of the panelists were asked to share some words of wisdom they would tell their younger selves. Sonia Grant-Yendell, Sony Music Publishing’s Vice President of People eXperience UK & International, said, “Trust your gut, trust your instinct. When you’re focused you can achieve what you want. Trust your belief.” Learn more about SWIM’s International Women’s Day panel discussion here

Sony Music U.S. TAGs The Village and WIN (Women’s Initiative Network) also held an interactive workshop, led by executive career coach and Co-Founder of EQUALibrium Rachelle Pereira, that focused on making space for career development when work/life harmony seems elusive. 

A huge thank you to all our SMG teammates who attended and participated in our Women’s History Month events. Special shoutouts to Pereira, Brown and Kelly Austin, Psychology Coach and music industry veteran, for lending their time, wisdom and voices to support our celebrations this month. And a big round of applause to TAGs SWIM, WIN, The Village and Wellful for all the coordination efforts that went into this month’s events and activities. Thank you for making our Women’s History Month a true celebration of gender equity and diversity in the workplace. 

Looking Ahead 

Although Women’s History Month has come to an end, we will continue to embrace and advance gender equity in the music industry and beyond. That’s why, through our CSR, COVID Relief and the Global Social Justice Fund, we continue to support organizations serving women and girls around the world. 

Learn about some of those organizations we have supported below: 

  • Alliance For Women Film Composers – Through advocacy, support and education, the Alliance for Women Film Composers aims to increase the visibility of women composers active in media scoring. The AWFC advocates for the inclusion of women composers within industry events; supports filmmakers, game developers and studios in their inclusion of women composers; and educates, mentors and inspires emerging women composers.  
  • Fondo Guadalupe Musalem (Guadalupe Musalem Fund) – Fondo Guadalupe Musalem supports the educational aspirations of young indigenous Oaxacan women from impoverished rural communities in the state. The non-profit organization aims to provide the tools and resources needed for the successful completion of high school and university. 
  • Girls Make Beats – Girls Make Beats is a non-profit organization that empowers women and girls by expanding their presence as music producers, DJs and audio engineers. Sony Music Publishing (SMP) partnered with Girls Make Beats in 2022 to host the Beyond the Instrument program, an ongoing initiative designed to develop the next generation of music industry leaders. 
  • Milaan Foundation – The Milaan Foundation is a non-profit social impact organization with the purpose of empowering girls to stand up for themselves by advancing their skills, rights and opportunities and unlocking their voice, choice and power. Through the Global Social Justice Fund, Sony Music Entertainment India supports the organization’s flagship Girl Icon Program, a leadership development program that invests in empowering girls at the grassroots level, delivering comprehensive life-skills-based education and instigating collective social action.  
  • Tap Elderly Women’s Wisdom for Youth – Tap Elderly Women’s Wisdom for Youth’s mission is to bridge the intergenerational and mental health treatment gaps. The organization trains elderly women in World Health Organization’s mental health Gap Action Program (mhGAP) to provide free and accessible mental health services, support and resources in underserved and marginalized communities. 
  • Young Women’s Freedom Center – Young Women’s Freedom Center provides support, mentorship, training, employment and advocacy to young women and trans youth of all genders in California who have grown up in poverty, experienced the juvenile legal and foster care systems, survived living and working on the streets, and experienced significant violence in their lives. Their mission is to build the power and leadership of directly impacted young people and inspire them to create positive change in their lives and communities.  
  • The YWCA of Brooklyn Inc. – The YWCA of Brooklyn, Inc. (YWCA Brooklyn) is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women and promoting peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all. 
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